NARGIS Publishing House Opens an Exhibition Dedicated to Ecology and Environment Issues
The exhibition Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Respect will be open for attendees from 10 June 2021 at the Baku Boulevard. It will feature 15 installations created by Azerbaijani sculptors from hardly recyclable materials and industrial waste.
Initiated by Ulviyya Mahmudova, Editor-in-Chief of NARGIS Magazine, the exhibition Make the Earth Smile Again was held at the Baku Boulevard from 9 September through 5 October 2019. The exhibit featured 13 authorship installations from hardly recyclable materials, and visitors received brochures with environmental friendliness tips. When the project was completed, NARGIS Publishing House announced a contest among students of Baku’s public schools for the best waste/recycle material installation. 14 schools took part in the contest, with the jury comprising of representatives from NARGIS Publishing House and the Ministry of Education of Azerbaijan. Students from the Baku European Lyceum won in the contest.
The 2021 exhibition features 13 new installations, as well as Dreamcatcher, which represented NARGIS Publishing House back in 2019, and the 2019 winner, the panel Einstein’s Portrait. The exhibition title – Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Respect – is a reference to the increasingly popular concept of mottainai, which came to us from Japan and stands for environment protection. The project aims to raise awareness of environmental issues and call upon the community to always remember about the days to come. Ulviyya Mahmudova and Rashad Alakbarov are the respective initiator and curator of this exhibition.
The project has been implemented with the support of the Ministry of Education of Azerbaijan, the Ministry of Economy, the Ministry of Transport, Communications and HT, the Executive Power of Baku, the Executive Power of Goychay District, the Executive Power of Shamakhi District, the Executive Power of Guba District, “Azerbaijan Caspian Shipping Company” CJSC (ASCO), “Azersu” OJSC, “AzerEnerji” ОJSC, the National Confederation of Entrepreneurs (Employers) Organizations of the Republic of Azerbaijan (ASK), “Baku Stock Exchange” CJSC, “Azercell Telecom” LTD, Azersun Holding, Carlsberg Azerbaijan, Baku Steel Company, “SMTS” LLC, “Baku Metropolitan” CJSC, and Tekfen İnşaat.
The exhibition is open until COB 1 August 2021. Admission is free of charge.