May is a month ruled by the planet Venus. In astrology Venus is the mistress of our feelings and desires, love and pleasure, the patron of art and creativity. Throughout the month, she will be in the sign of Gemini, shaping and displaying our feelings through contact and communication. The desire to be heard, to learn new things, to discuss something – all this will prevail in May, attracting intellectual and versatile persons. The appetite for travel, getting new impressions will shape our taste, giving a subtle sense of beauty. But in mid-May Venus will go into retrograde movement for a month and a half, which could disrupt our plans by creating financial difficulties and conflicts with loved ones. I strongly recommend not to hold official events this month (marriage, engagement) in order to avoid misunderstandings and not to divert the energy of love and well-being. Also in the second half of May, large financial transactions, real estate deals, investments and too expensive purchases are undesirable. It won't be easy for those who'll pass exams. Travel and journeys will have to be postponed until mid-summer.
ARIES will be gifted by Venus in the first half of the month with love of the loved ones and successful trips. Try to disconnect from secondary issues to feel more fully the beauty both in the world and in your soul. The second half of May, on the contrary, will excite in you the energy of irritation on loved ones and will bring troubling situations on trips. Try to avoid hasty expenses.
TAURUS, the favorites of Venus, are better have time to do all important financial deals in the first decade. Also there is no harm in strengthening of health and the refraining from gluttony. At the end of the month, if you decide to engage in new business or real estate deals, you may face financial losses. Better do creativity for the soul.
Venus will give GEMINI charm and special charisma, which will benefit their private life and make their loved ones happy. But don't throw around feelings and flirt right and left, risking losing the trust of a permanent partner. If you show diligence and prudence in your studies, the patronage of Venus will not leave you at the end of the month.
CANCER are promised by Venus to high, romantic love, tenderness and harmony. Try to express your feelings to enjoy the charm and harmony of reciprocity. However, in order not to lose the favor of Venus, it is not worth especially advertising the newly born relationship, take care of your feelings from foreign eyes.
To LEO, especially creative personalities, Venus will bring recognition and harmonious relations with others. You are supported by loved ones and friends, but idle pastime and an unsuccessful circle of communication can quite damage your reputation and throw you off the reached peaks. Be abstained and modest, affectionate and reasonable.
VIRGO with help of Venus will gain a lasting social position and even move forward through love and friendship with influential people. However, all this will be rather precarious if you use it for personal gain, defying the main principle of Venus – love must be selfless! Don't be greedy, especially with loved ones, and don't trifle.
SCORPIO will gain from Venus a sensual, passionate romance, a fatal love to be met in an extreme situation. The emotional confrontation of relations, unbridled jealousy can poison a bright feeling; You can get a lot, but lose the main thing. Large purchases are not recommended, especially in mid-May: they threaten financial losses in the future.
CAPRICORN with help of Venus will find harmony in the work, with employees, supporting and motivating them in a quite trivial way – finance. This period is good for resolving conflicts and finding public compromises. It would be good to engage in prevention, strengthening of body and spirit; Dosed physical activity will only benefit you.
LIBRA expects renewal of feelings outside the homeland – on travel and trips, even romantic adventures are likely. But do not hurry to build illusions: only creative and spiritual union will receive continuation, everything else will bring only disappointment and frustration. A love of art and philosophy will help to realize your sensual potential.
Venus favors SAGITTARIUS in marriage relations, giving renewal of feelings. Single ones could have a chance of a long-term relationship, but only in the first decade of the month. The second half of May could bring controversial situations in legal matters, exposure and publicity of love secrets and misunderstanding from family.
Venus will give AQUARIUS a sudden emotional burst, a romantic love. Try to tone down your extravagance in order not to scare off love with persistent creativity. You tend to have your head in the clouds, and your loved person might expect from you concrete actions proving your feelings, manifestations of care and even generosity.
PISCES will get from Venus a strong emotional connection with loved ones and the warmth of the hearth. It is worth showing initiative in supporting parents and loved ones, rather than being passive consumer in relations with relatives and loved ones: your care will be timely and appropriate in any form. There is possibility of successful purchase of real estate, but exclusively in the first decade of the month. — N