For the first time Azerbaijan is to fight with aim to contribute in solution of global problems at the international final of ActInSpace to be held in France on the 27th of June. Sooners team from UFAZ takes responsibility to defend the honor of the Motherland among great number of countries all over the world
The regional stage ActInSpace Azerbaijan was held for the first time by UFAZ just one month ago on the 25th May. Exactly 24 hours were allowed to 24 teams for establishment of the startup project, which is to further settling any assigned task.
The boys laugh at each other “We have just turned 18”. Tough schedule, permanent preparations, a session in the French-Azerbaijan university, with children studying and, certainly, some excitement. After all, it is not trifle thing to represent the country at such type of events.
Description of each team member about each other:
Nofel Agayarly (captain)
He lacked just few points to achieve all 700 for at entrance examinations. We have been working since September, each of us gathered at one table after noticing the announcement of competition in April. He is the junior, nevertheless he is our captain. If someone dropped from the team, he will necessarily set him on “the right path“. He is not afraid making compromises, if only all perceive themselves, as equal members of one small family.
Madat Sardarly
He is our long-time resident. He has been to projects since his 9th class. Thus, though we are freshmen, nevertheless we, and particularly him, are not beginners in "business". Presently, it is fancy way to call Madat, as a born project manager. He was a winner of the Republican Olympiad two times and represented Azerbaijan in USA.
Rahim Namazly
He is our computer brain. His messenger get permanently torn asunder, because in case of any problem we contact directly with him (all of them laugh). He is addicted to everything, connected with space technology, and thu,s we have such chance, why shouldn’t we use it to the max!
Niyazi Gadiri
The most positive participant of a team! If Rahim settles computer issues, then Niyazi is responsible for general mood, positive aspect and atmosphere! Have a look at his charisma! (all of them laugh)
Ilkin Mammadov
He is a school leaver No.160 with distinction. He becomes offended, unless we specify this point (all of them laugh). At 3,4 o’clock in the morning he gets involved with solution of a certain problem. Ilkin has a sharp eye, and those people, who surrounded us on the day of regional stage, whole that situation, certainly, inspired him.
Thus, what is the description of the project?
Applying a new calibration method directly out of space and using satellite, we can measure directly lack of temperature with accuracy 1 to 1000. The device “Cavity Box”, which is created by us, increases probe sensitivity. Detailed precision temperature measurement is required for settlement of set of problems, for example, decrease of gas level, as a result of a greenhouse or global warming effect. Satellites, like any other equipment, get worn out in the course of time. This leads to malfunctioning. We need estimating such type of failures. However we are restricted disclosing all details of the project, as the patent for whole idea, as a whole, is not obtained, though our rights are protected.
We have displayed our presentation in YouTube, we need support from your readers, with aim to win audience prize.
Nazrin Mirzayeva - PR representative
Azerbaijan has participated in this international competition, gathering more than 35 countries and 70 cities. The eegional stage of the competition was organized by UFAZ, (the Azerbaijan-French university, acting on base of the Azerbaijan state university of petro and industry). Totally, more than 100 students from different Baku universities took part at the competition. The Presidium of experts and jury included science maitres, along with the rector of the Strasburg university Michel Deneken, the president of the French center of cosmic researches Jean Yves Le Gull, the chairman of OJSC AzerCosmos Rashad Nabiyev and AGUNP rector, the professor Mustafa Babanly. The great assistance to team at final preparation was rendered by representatives of Azercosmos and Ernst&Young, represented by Mrs.Arzu Hajiyeva, who is a partner of the Baku office on taxation and legal services.