'44' – is not merely a number. It represents the enduring spirit of our nation, encapsulating the 44 days our valiant army fearlessly battled in the Second Karabakh War. It's a testament to the relentless pursuit of what is rightfully ours, an unwavering commitment to justice, and a fervent prayer for the unity of our people. But, above all, it's a heartfelt plea for the safety and well-being of our brave soldiers.
The number 44 will forever serve as a symbol of integrity, justice, and the triumphant conclusion to a painful chapter in our history. The spectre of the First Karabakh War may have haunted us, but it also propelled us to reclaim the land that was unjustly taken from us. Today, we pay homage to the heroes who selflessly invested their dreams and aspirations in the struggle for our nation's honour and unity. We hold in our hearts the memory of all the soldiers who fought in both Karabakh Wars, and to them, we owe a debt of eternal gratitude. Their sacrifices have made it possible for us to return to our homes.
Happy Victory Day, Azerbaijan!
Let our enduring spirit and shared sacrifices continue to inspire us on our journey towards a brighter and more united future.
This project was carried out in collaboration with the DOST Center for Inclusive Development and Creativity, which operates under the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of Population in the Republic of Azerbaijan.
The primary mission of the Center is to increase public support for vulnerable groups, enhance the overall well-being of the population, and implement innovative solutions to ensure these objectives are met, ultimately to achieve higher levels of citizen satisfaction with such efforts.