Planning to visit USA in July? Then, this is the right time to visit! The 4th of July is being celebrated in the United States since those times, when founding fathers signed the Independence declaration on that day. On this occasion Americans stage commemoration parades, accompanying great fireworks display, arrange concerts and other holiday performances. And our founding fathers didn’t stay on the sidelines, and for explaining and confirming evident conclusions, the expression “Amerika açmaq” is used.
According to the tradition, first of all, introduction comes. It is known, the fourth voyage in life history of Christopher Columbus was made in 1502. He reached coasts of the Central America and proved existence of a continent, called “New Land” between the Atlantic Ocean and the Southern sea.
Some people in the Northern part of Europe, state that America was discovered by Vikings. And austere Scandinavians sailed up there in 1000 of A.D long before the Spaniard. As a proof, supporters of this approach cite the remains of Vikings’ ancient settlements in L’Anse aux Meadows area, located in the Eastern part of Canada.
By the way, some Norwegians, presume, that America could be easily discovered by ancient Egyptians just as well. Such version was first advanced by Thor Heyerdahl as a result of his successful crossing of the Atlantic Ocean in the boat, made of papyrus, called Ra-2, in 1970. Thus, a famous traveler confirmed substantiality of his own theory in practice.
Nevertheless, recent researches, conducted in the United States indicate, that almost one thousand years ago an ancient Celt tribe inhabited the Northern America. A group of American scientists adheres to the opinion that this continent was discovered by ancient Celts about 1700 B.C in the New England. Barry Fellin, a professor of the Harvard University, believes that several objects, discovered in different parts of the United States, including written monuments, give evidence that America housed citizens from Libya, Egypt and ancient Cretans prior to Columbus.
One shouldn’t invent intricate theories, relating to meaning of a phrase in the Azerbaijani language. In contrary, this is namely, a rare occasion, when whole meaning is, as if, on a palm and thus, we don’t need inventing a bicycle, or as we would state “discovering America”.
The principal hero Ziyadkhan from B. Bayramov’s novel “A bother, a slave”, meditates on his future and tells: “If I cast my covetous eyes upon my brother-in-law, my brother, then what is the point of my spoiling the worker’s name? No, if someone’s head is smart, then it is possible to use it… I am not discovering America. Would my friends mention, as an example such tens, hundreds of persons?”
With this in mind, we frequently invent non existing things. It is important to observe this world with broadly open eyes, seizing by this, all life beauties. By the way, if you happen to travel to USA during the first week of July, then send us your photos from the holiday!
Text: Gamar Mammadova
Illustration: Nazimpasha Mahmudzadeh