Clara Zetkin ... Before going into the depth of world history, it is necessary to mention her name, which is associated with the date of March 8, celebrated all over the world. And in connection with the latest developments overseas and in Europe, the relevance of the celebration is gaining even greater momentum.
But how was the situation in Azerbaijan?
So, the ADR was absorbed by the Soviet machine, women were not able to vote, although this right was given to them earlier than the vast majority of the countries in the world.
May 30, 1920 in Baku, the Women's Club named after Ali Bayramov-who had declared it as the main women`s center- was opened. It set a role model for the following organizations of that kind.
After two years the club moved to the Palace of Happiness, which was then on Persian Street. After two more years, Clara Zetkin visited Baku and, in particular, the club. But let's start over in order.
"The difficult economic situation now makes the Muslim woman leave the closed circle of the family in search of earnings for feeding themselves and children, "the instructor Sultanov wrote in 1923.
Several activists, led by Jeyran Bayramova, decided that it was the easiest to involve women in work in the workshop, having trained their specialties. And it happened! If in the beginning the women secretly transferred their sewing machines to the club, then afterwards the workshop expanded day by day. In that club one could work and learn the craft. For the children of women, nurseries were organized, medical assistance was provided. But the main thing is that the cultural and educational work was going on in the club. Literacy courses were supposed to be visited absolutely without exception.
At the end of the course, women had to take an exam, after which they could go to the regions of Azerbaijan to fight illiteracy there. And if in the beginning they were a little scared, then afterwards they took up business with all their courage. Hokuma Mammadova was sent to Shusha district, Masma Mammadova to Khizi, Tahira Alekperova to Goychay county, Khanim Aghayeva to Lankaran district, Bilgeis Askerli to Guba district, Khanim Aliyeva to Nakhchivan region. These and many other women have taken on a heavy burden for the education of other women, rejoicing every new student.
So, in 1924, Clara Zetkin opens the doors of the club, and later it was written in her book called "The Caucasus on Fire." "For Eastern women, despite the stultifying conditions of life for many centuries, the consciousness of human dignity and the desire to acquire human rights begin to awaken. The club of Mohammedan women serves in this respect as a strong and convincing evidence, much stronger than the European one. "
The girls persuaded Clara not to leave Baku, but to move here for good. Of course, she did not agree, but when she had to flee Germany, where Hitler came to power, she returned to the USSR, where she died in 1933.
Text: Arzu Jaid