One may plunge into the world of art not only by visiting museums, but also by participating at its cost formation, or to be more exact, at auction. Even if you are not going to pay a large amount for "The card players " Cezanne, an auction is a unique possibility to watch rare pictures and sculptures of favorite masters, frequently, namely of those artists, which are not presented for wide audience in state collections, and also to witness bringing “to the hammer” into the hands of famous collectors or private museums.
However, to get on such meeting, it is not too simple. It is very good, as today internet space raises the possibility of everything! Thus, one may observe online the best auctions of the world.
So, there are several types of auctions, and the most widespread one belongs to Englishmen, it has began developing, as a commission type of business even since the 13th century. As a rule, predetermined price is increased on initiative of presented buyers. One of the oldest auction houses for today is «Sotheby’s». It was established in 1743 in London, afterwards it spread to different continents with headquarters in New York. For the last decade Sotheby’s firmly consolidated its position of the leading auction house on sale of works of the contemporary art.
The most famous "masterpiece" sold by Sotheby’s house (by the way, for 95 mln US doll.), became “Boy with a pipe”, which was painted by 24 year old Picasso in Montmartre. They have also Renoir’s “Bal du Moulin de la Galette” and Rothko’s “White Center” in their coin box.
Another colossus of the auction world is «Christies» auction house, founded in 1766 by the antiquary James Christie. Christies is distinguished from others by pleasing a wide audience with annual pre-auction exhibitions. That is, it is quite real to observe that in a moment it will be sold at auctions, as if you have come for a visit to a big collector! Christies, like Sotheby’s, is famous with sales of Picasso's works, sold by it «Nude, green leaves and bust» is one of the most expensive, ever sold pictures! (106mln US doll.)
The British «Bonhams» auction house is yet another leader of cultural heritage object sales. It was founded yet in 1793 a print dealer Thomas Dodd in partnership with a book specialist Walter Bonham. Though just one auction house with German roots, the big four includes Austrian Doroteum. Doroteum’s specific feature is an establishment of own jewelry shop after these 300 years period of collecting of the most unique collections!
The next long expected Christies is envisaged in September 2018 and we have with you time to clarify all details and, if we have luck, to visit its preliminary exhibition!